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Thursday, December 19, 2024

Tips For The Best Event Photographer For Your Occasion



Tips For The Best Event Photographer For Your Occasion

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Expert Author Rupa Pathak

Professional photography is a booming career option among young people these days. Different categories like wildlife, portrait, event photography, street, food - and some other types are available to become professional photographers.

Among these categories, event photography is considered to be a head term of professional photography.

For example, wedding photography is very popular. Along with pre wedding shoots, wedding photography can be the most promising career for a professional photographer. People often think this is a different genre of professional photography.

So, when referring to event photography they are talking about other events such as corporate parties, birthday parties, conferences, award ceremonies, trade shows, red carpet events, marketing events. Weddings are an event but most of the time are considered in it's own sub genre.

Who can be a successful professional photographer?

Event photography is mostly suitable for various types of personality. If you are fascinated by the photograph medium as an artful expression, it will definitely suit you. And it helps if you're a little technically minded too.

Here, we are sharing a few pro tips to become a successful photographer.

Concentrate on developing your photography skills

Generally, no perfect guidelines are there to become a good event photographer. Few people get a photography degree or attend a workshop from a professional photographer. While others believe that a college degree is a complete waste of time when you want to become a professional. Lots of books, websites and e-books are available to teach yourself about the basics of photography. Otherwise, you may prefer to learn from other established photographers. Whatever your decision is, if you are dedicated, you can achieve the best.

Get the appropriate equipment

The category of your photography will decide what type of equipment you need. In general, you may need a couple of camera bodies and an array of lenses to handle different situations. Some good speedlights to get started are also recommended. You will also need professional photo editing software. Additional equipment for lighting is also required if you are planning for an in-home studio.

Buy equipment economically

Quality equipment is important to take high-quality pictures. So, you may wonder whether it's required to invest all your savings in purchasing brand-new or high-end equipment to start a photography career. It's not necessary at all. You can buy used photography equipment that is available in good working condition. Purchasing old models at a discounted price will help you a lot to save your money for future investment. Also, you can rent or borrow equipment to start a professional event photography career. Once you are settled down, invest in a high-end and expensive kit.

Know your camera and lenses better

Know every setting, lighting mode, error messages your camera shows. Before starting the first paid photo session, you need to know all these to become a good event photographer. You should know about the lenses which one to use in what situation. Also, you should be able to change lenses frequently even keeping your eyes closed. Avoid fumbling with camera equipment. It will leave you completely unprofessional in front of your clients.

Start reading your camera's manual. It will serve you a detailed feature and you will know the camera functions.

To become a professional photographer, start practicing extensively at home. Experimenting with light and shadow, practice with different settings. It will help you to learn the basics of taking the best pictures with the available equipment.

Learn to creatively edit photos

A professional Sydney photographer knows how to edit photos using the best professional editing software such as Capture One. Good editing software can take a picture from good to great. But don't over-do special effects. Clients may not like the final products or overly edited photos.

The author is an experienced writer in different niches specifically in professional photography and event photography. She can give advice to the readers about how to become a professional photographer or how to be a successful event photographer. She also gives advice about how a professional Sydney photographer successfully organizes your personal event.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Rupa_Pathak/1987820

#photography #eventphotography 

Significance of Back Lighting in Cosmetics Product Photography



Significance of Back Lighting in Cosmetics Product Photography

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Expert Author Aarti R

A lot of people try to shoot their products themselves. While it is a good thing to do, they actually do not have the skill set needed to get a good picture. Amateur photographers too due to lack of experience can leave a lack in a good picture. Decade of experience is a great teacher than just some photography tutorials. That is exactly where a professional photography service company like EtherArts Product Photography comes in to picture. This is what is necessary along with a professional photography gear and some knowledge of Lights and Reflections. In this article, we will share some light on the reflective Cosmetics product photography - Liquid Cosmetics in particular and what are the most important factors that you need to pay attention to for a successful photograph.

Lighting the product takes most of the photographers attention. Every photographer would make efforts to light the product up appropriately. Some go beyond this to light it up so much that the product gets overexposed and is washed out in the pictures. Such images are poor photography. A smart and experienced photographer will pay attention to lighting up the product along with something called backlighting. Backlighting essentially means lighting the back portion of the product Or the background of the product. To do this it is necessary to pay attention to the below mentioned aspects of the product.

Product Nature- Most important is the nature of the product to be photographed. Solid products differ a lot than the liquid containing cosmetic products. Hence we need to be careful while choosing the correct set up.

Background- A lot of times, Ecommerce photography requires white background. Amazon requires a seamless white background for all their listings. This is a mandatory requirement. In order to get this white background, a lot of photographers tend to use extreme bright lights or use a high camera Aperture number. This results in the product getting 'white-washed' and practically disappears in to the light. The contrasts are low and the edges of the products look foggy. For Aroma Oil cosmetics photography, all we need is just the necessary amount of light in the background to get just the correct amount of seamless white. So be careful while trying to get the white background. A photo-editing software will be helpful in clearing what is left of the greyish-whitish background.

BackLighting- Amateur photographers focus less on lighting. They believe that the daylight (sunlight) is the best environment to shoot products in. But they are mistaken. Studio Daylights are different. Use Daylight (white light) bulbs for the lighting. A dark room is a must for product photography. This allows the photographer to control lights as needed, mostly depending on the type of product is shot. For Aroma Oil Cosmetics Photography in particular, try using a low strength daylight bulb as a backlight. This gently illuminates the liquid inside the glass containers giving it the most enhanced look. The yellow or colored oil starts showing a nice color to it, instead of just a black or transparent liquid. This brings out the colors of the oils giving them the much needed wow factor to the photograph.

The author is a Professional Product Photographer for more than a decade now. Working with EtherArts Product Photography, the author now serves Amazon Store owners with their product photography needs. EtherArts Product Photography is now Amazon Approved Photography Vendor and has served a lot of White background Photo requirements and also Lifestyle images. Pricing starts from $15/pic. Affordable pricing with effective product photography is our strength. We serve Nationwide clients. Products, Jewelry, Ghost Mannequin Apparel, Electronics, Supplements, Industrial, Handbags are all photographed with great quality. Quick turnaround time and transparent pricing. We allow our work to speak for itself and have 5 star Google reviews offered by our clients. Email us now for a quote.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Aarti_R/2389734

Photography Terminology


Photography Terminology

This is the first common photography term you should learn. Simply put, aperture is the size of the opening in the lens. Think of the lens as a window—large windows or wide angles let in more light, while small windows let in less light. A wide open aperture will let more light into the image for a brighter photo, while a smaller aperture lets in less light. Aperture is measured in f-stops; a small f-stop like f/1.8 is a wide opening, a large f-stop like f/22 is a very narrow one. Aperture is one of three camera settings that determine an image’s exposure, or how light or dark it is. Aperture also affects how much of the image is in focus—wide apertures result in that creamy, unfocused background while narrow apertures keep more of the image sharp.

Aspect Ratio
If you’ve ever printed images before, you’ve probably noticed that an 8 x 10 usually crops from the original image. That’s due to aspect ratio. Aspect ratio is simply the ratio of the height to width. An 8 x 10 has an equal aspect ratio to a 4 x 5, but a 4 x 7 image is a bit wider. You can change the aspect ratio in your camera if you know how you’d like to print your image, or you can crop your photo when you edit it to the right ratio.

Bokeh is the orbs created when lights are out of focus in an image. It’s a neat effect to have in the background of a photo, created through wide apertures. It will have an interesting effect on your image quality.

Burst Mode
You can take photos one at a time. Or, you can turn the burst mode on and the camera will continue snapping photos as long as you hold the button down, or until the buffer is full (which is a fancy way of saying the camera can’t process anymore). Burst speeds differ based on what camera or film camera you own, some are faster than others. Just how fast is written in “fps” or frames (pictures) per second. This will give you a wide selection of which close-up you’ll ultimately select of your dog!

Depth of Field
Depth of field is a photography term that refers to how much of the image is in focus. The camera will focus on one distance, but there’s a range of distance in front and behind that point that stays sharp—that’s depth of field. Portraits often have a soft, unfocused background—this is a shallow depth of field. Landscapes, on the other hand, often have more of the image in focus—this is a large depth of field, with a big range of distance that stays sharp.

Digital Vs. Optical
Digital and optical are important terms to understand when shopping for a new camera. Digital means the effect is achieved through software, not physical parts of the camera. Optical is always better than digital. These terms are usually used when referring to a zoom lens (on a compact camera) as well as image stabilization.

Exposure is how light or dark an image is. An image is created when the camera sensor (or film strip) is exposed to light—that’s where the term originates. A dark photo is considered underexposed, or it wasn’t exposed to enough light; a light photo is overexposed or exposed to too much light. Exposure is controlled through aperture, shutter speed and ISO.

Exposure Compensation
Exposure compensation is a way to tell the camera that you’d like the exposure to be lighter or darker. Exposure compensation can be used on some automated modes and semi-automated modes like aperture priority. It’s measured in stops of light, with negative numbers resulting in a darker image and positive ones creating a brighter shot.

File Format
The file format is how your camera lens will record the image or image file. Raw files contain more information than JPGs, which makes them more suitable for photo editing in various editing software.

Focal Length
The focal length describes the distance in millimeters between the lens and the image it forms on the film. It informs the angle of view (how much of what is being shot will be captured) and the magnification (how large things will appear). Essentially, the focal length is how ‘zoomed in’ your images will appear. For example, a Canon (or Nikon or Olympus) 35mm lens will create images that appear more ‘zoomed in’ than a Canon 18mm.

When your eyes focus on an object that’s close to you, the objects far away will appear blurry. The common photography term “focus” has the same meaning. Something that is in focus is sharp, while an object that is out-of-focus isn’t sharp. Different focus areas determine if the camera is focusing on multiple points or one user-selected point.

Flash Sync
You probably know that the flash is a burst of light—flash sync determines when the flash fires. Normally, the flash fires at the beginning of the photo, but changing the flash sync mode adjusts when that happens. The rear curtain flash sync mode, for example, fires the flash at the end of the photo instead of the beginning.

Hot Shoe
Hot shoe is the slot at the top of a camera for adding accessories, like the aptly named hot shoe flash.

The ISO determines how sensitive the camera is to light. For example, an ISO of 100 means the camera isn’t very sensitive—great for shooting in the daylight. An ISO 3200 means the camera is very sensitive to light, so you can use that higher ISO for getting shots in low light. The trade off is that images at high ISOs appear to be grainy and have less detail. ISO is balanced with aperture and shutter speed to get a proper exposure.

Long Exposure
A long exposure is an image that has been exposed for a long time or uses a long shutter speed. This technique is useful for shooting still objects in low light (used often by landscape photographers), or rendering moving objects into an artistic blur.

Manual mode allows the photographer to set the exposure instead of having the camera do it automatically. In manual, you choose the aperture, shutter speed and ISO, and those choices affect how light or dark the image is. Semi-manual modes include aperture priority (where you only choose the aperture), shutter priority (where you only choose the shutter speed) and programed auto (where you choose a combination of aperture and shutter speed together instead of setting them individually). Manual can also refer to manual focus, or focusing yourself instead of using the autofocus.

Using manual mode isn’t all guesswork—a light meter built into the camera helps guide those decisions, indicating if the camera thinks the image is over or under exposed. Metering is actually based on a middle gray, so having lighter or darker objects in the image can throw the metering off a little bit. Metering modes indicate how the meter is reading the light. Matrix metering means the camera is reading the light from the entire scene. Center-weighted metering considers only what’s at the center of the frame and spot metering measures the light based on where your focus point is.

Noise is simply little flecks in an image, also sometimes called grain. Images taken at high ISOs have a lot of noise, so it’s best to use the lowest ISO you can for the amount of light in the scene.

RAW or Raw Files
RAW is a file type that gives the photographer more control over photo editing. RAW is considered a digital negative, where the default JPEG file type has already been processed a bit. RAW requires special software to open, however, while JPEG is more universal. Typically, it’s better to shoot in RAW because the image retains more quality making it better for editing.

Shutter Speed
The shutter speed is the part of the camera that opens and closes to let light in and take a picture. The shutter speed is how long that shutter stays open, written in seconds or fractions of a second, like 1/200 s. or 1”, with the “ symbol often used to designate an entire second. The longer the shutter stays open, the more light that is let in. But, anything that moves while the shutter is open will become a blur, and if the entire camera moves while the shutter is open the whole image will be blurry—that’s why tripods are necessary for longer shutter speeds.

Shutter Release
That’s the button (or shutter button) you press to take the picture. It allows you to point-and-shoot.

Single Lens Reflex
A single lens reflex camera has a single lens that forms an image which is reflected to the viewfinder. Digital single lens reflex cameras or DSLR cameras are the most versatile of the digital cameras.

Time Lapse
A time-lapse is a video created from stitching several photos together taken of the same thing at different times. Don’t confuse a time lapse with a long exposure, which is a single image with a long shutter speed.

That’s the hole you look through to take the picture. Some digital cameras don’t have one and just use the screen, but all DSLRs and most mirrorless cameras use them.

White Balance
Your eyes automatically adjust to different light sources, but a camera can’t do that—that’s why sometimes you take an image and it looks very blue or very yellow. Using the right white balance setting will make what’s white in real life actually appear white in the photo. There’s an auto white balance setting, but like any automatic setting, it’s not always accurate. You can use a preset based on what light you are shooting in like sun or tungsten light bulbs, or you can take a picture of a white object and manually set the white balance.

#photography #pics #terminology 

Wedding Favors for Less Than One Dollar



Wedding Favors for Less Than One Dollar

When most people think of wedding favors they do not think it will be a substantial part of the wedding budget. This is largely because the unit price of each wedding favor is often quite low. However, it is important to remember that this price must be multiplied by the number of guests in attendance and this can really add up if there are a large number of guests at the wedding. It can also add up quickly if the unit price is quite high. As example consider wedding favors with unit prices of $2 and $10. If you plan to have 500 guests at your wedding and give each one a $2 favor your budget for wedding favors will be the same as it would be if you plan to have a small wedding of only 100 people and give each of them a favor which costs $10. In both cases you would need to have a budget of $1000 for wedding favors. From this example you can see why it is very important to consider both the unit price as well as the number of guests. Fortunately, whether you are having a large or a small wedding there are many wedding favors available for less than $1 which can help to keep the wedding favor budget low. This article will provide some ideas for wedding favors which typically cost less than $1.

Place card holders are one type of wedding favor which is typically available for less than $1 per place card holder. There are certainly some place card holders which will cost much more than $1 per unit but you are likely to also find many which are priced under $1. Place card holders make great wedding favors because they not only serve a purpose at the wedding but they can also be used as small picture frames by the guests after the wedding. 

Tins containing mints are another option for wedding favors which are often priced at under $1 per unit. These tins come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes but the tins which are priced at less than $1 are likely to be quite small. However, there are also a wide variety of designs available. You can purchase ones which feature a tuxedo design or a wedding dress. You can also find tins with wedding bells or flowers on the top. 

Another way to find wedding favors for less than $1 per favor is to inquire with the wedding favor distributor about clearance or closeout items. These are often items which have been discontinued or which the distributor is not planning to stock anymore. Many distributors are willing to offer these favors at discounted prices because they do not have many left and are trying to free up space in their warehouse. If these items have been discontinued or the distributor is not willing to order more you may be limited to the number of favors the distributor has in stock. If this quantity is enough to meet your needs, you are certainly in luck but if you need more than is available, it might be a good idea to search for other inexpensive wedding favors unless you know for sure there is another distributor who can sell you additional quantities of the same favor. 

#wedding #gifts #weddings #giftgiving

Travel Tips To European Countries: Poland


Travel Tips To European Countries: Poland

About the country

Poland is one of the ancient nations that was formed around 10th century. It is Central Europe, east of Europe and most of the area being a flat plane and mountains along the south border. Warsaw is the capital of Poland which was completely destroyed in World War II and was rebuilt from scratch again. Royal Castle of Warsaw which was reconstructed after the world war is a must see attraction. The Lazienky Palace should also be not missed which has an open air theatre and Chopin's monument. Krakow is the second biggest city of Poland stands as a witness to its medieval era. Poland has a strong liking to music and theatre and thus home to many theatres and opera houses. Popular Polish Cuisines include Zrazy Zawijane (mushroom-stuffed beefsteak rolls in sour cream) served with boiled kasza (buckwheat) and pigs - knuckles.

Population & Languages

The population of Poland is roughly 38.5 million and the official language being spoken is Polish.


The voltage is 230 V and the frequency is 50 Hz. The types of plug used are round pin with attachment and Round pin plug and receptacle with male grounding pin.

Geographic Location

It is located in Central Europe, east of Germany bordering the Baltic Sea, the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany. 


The climate of Poland can be termed as Temperate. Winters are severe inland with average temperatures in Warsaw being 23°F (-5°C).   Summers are hot inland with average temperatures in July around 66°F (19°C). The precipitation occurs round the year. 

Local Customs

Handshaking is the common custom. It is customary to bring flowers if you are going to someone's house. Dressing is fairly conservative and casual and formal for entertainment in the evening or in a good restaurant. Smoking is prohibited in some public buildings. Tipping is 10 to 15 percent in restaurant, hotels and taxis.


Warsaw: The city was completely destroyed in World War II and was completely rebuilt after the war. The popular sights include Historic Museum of Warsaw, the Lazienki Palace with its open air theatre and Chopin's monuments, and Palace of Culture and Sciences.

Cracow: St. Mary's Church, Royal Castle, and Royal Cathedral on top of Wawel Hill


By Air - The national airline of Romania is LOT Polish Airlines (LO). Many popular airlines that fly to Poland include Aeroflot, Air France, Austrian Airlines, British Airways, Easyjet, El Al, Lufthansa, Ryanair, SAS and Swiss Air. The biggest airport is Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport which is located like 6 miles southwest of the city.

By Sea - Pol Ferries operates connect Poland to Sweden, Denmark and Finland

By Rail - Polish State Railways (PKP) (website: www.pkp.pl) operates Eurocity trains from Poland various major European cities. But, all services from Western Europe to Poland pass through the Czech Republic, Germany or the Slovak Republic. The main routes link Warsaw with Berlin and Cologne, Budapest, Prague and Vienna. There is also a car-sleeper service from the border of Holland to Poznan/ Warsaw.

Duty Free Items

1. Up to 250 cigarettes or 250 gm tobacco or 50 cigars for Non-European union countries.

2. 800 cigarettes or 200 cigars or 1kg smoking tobacco for EU Countries.

3. 1 liter wine and 1 liter spirits for Non-EU Countries.

4. 10 liter spirits, 90 liter wine and 110 liter beer for EU Countries

5. Perfumes, medicines and cosmetics for personal use

6. Gifts up to 175

Prohibited Items

Birds and poultry arriving from countries infected with Avian influenza, Un-canned goods, meat or dairy products, Narcotics, firearms, ammunition, weapons, eggs, plants, endangered species, fireworks and alcoholic beverages that contain more than sixty per cent alcohol.

#Travel #Europe #Poland #Vacation